In robotics, the background technologies on behavior, navigation and path planning have been solved using basic wheeled robots and now the roboticists are moving on to develop walking robots. If we scale up these robots there are possibilities that those robots can become architecture. This paper will first go over the technological advancement in physical and electronic network that would allow robots to come into play as architecture. Technological advancement in infrastructure, internet system, wireless power, wireless recharging system, and etc. will be looked at. Then precedents in motion architecture such as Archigram’s Walking City and metabolist architecture will be studied as historic ones, whereas Fox Lin Inc. and Chuck Hoberman’s works would be contemporary ones in motion architecture. Precedents for responsive architecture will be DeCoi’s Aegis Hyposurface, Nox’s Soft Office. Haptic technology, LED, and other strategies will be researched. How robotic architecture would be will be next. Ways of movement, how the movement would affect the space and program, the relationship of their surrounding spaces, reorganization of envelope and materiality, the atmosphere, will be studied. The design project will address the issues addressed in the previous part, then go through a feedback loop of what works better and what doesn’t in comparison to architecture in stasis and discuss the future of automated architecture.